Monday 8 August 2011

Monday Itis - Nina Inspiration

Today has literally dragged. I had a 3.5 hour meeting that started at 12pm. My manager had organised a baguette platter and pretty much shoved it in my face. It was really hard to resist temptation seeing as I hadnt eaten anything all morning.  I caved and had half a turkey baguette with lettuce. I am hoping to get to a Body Balance class at the gym tonight and work it off. I love body balance classes. It's a mixture of Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi. It really stretches you out and elongates your muscles. I am hoping it will also thin out my thighs more and give them tone, rather than these banana shapes that i'm currently rocking.

Plus anything that will give more flexibility is a bonus. Come on, how awesome does Nina Dobrev a self confessed yoga fanatic look in these pictures.

She is doing the Dancer's Pose, it's almost become a bit of a signature stance for some of her shoots. I think its fabulous that she can whip out poses like this with what looks like minimal effort. She has said she practices 3-4 times a week, and recently has gotten into Bikram or Hot yoga - which i am also keen to try.

Body balance also seems to calm my mind a bit. When I drive home in the car after class, I don't even turn on the radio, because I feel like it will ruin my high.
These shorts are also really cool. I love the purple gradient. They are Nike Pro Combat Compression training shorts. She looks so strong and in control in these poses.
Happy Monday Everyone!


  1. Nina is gorgeous, such a great body! I've done bikram yoga and let me tell you, it is intense. Make sure you drink a ton of water beforehand if you're going to try it, you'll end up feeling nauseous if you don't. It is a really good workout though if you are up for the challenge!

  2. hey hailey! stay strong! you can do it! youre already an inspiration to me :)
